During the bull-run, you gain profits, during crashes you gain wisdom

2 min readMay 19, 2021


Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash

To all our beloved new investors in crypto and DEFYDEFI. Here’s a short article on how I personally handle market crashes during the worst of times in crypto.

As a background, I’ve been investing in crypto and BTC for the longest time, and here are a few lessons on what kept me steady in the crypto game all these years.

#1 Don’t attach yourself with the ATH price, if you are long-term it doesn't matter whichever way the price goes.

#2 Do not FOMO in any tokens, that’s a recipe for disaster. What goes up must come down.

#3 Invest only an amount you can afford to lose. Just imagine you are using shopping money that you will never get back

#4 Don’t share to your friends and family that you are a genius in crypto investing because they’ll be the same people that would laugh at you when the market crashes

#5 Do not use food or rent money that is just stupid

#6 Do not borrow money for crypto that will get you rekt

#7 Do not involve friends and relatives, you may end up paying them just to save your relationship.

#8 Buying the green and selling the red is a poor man’s mindset

#9 If you are not buying do not look at the price, if you are not selling do not look at the price. If you are long-term do not look at the price. Only idiots look at the price the whole day.

Last but not the least,

#10 Invest in good projects when no one cares.

Long-term crypto investing is like doing a long-distance marathon run. You do not sprint so you don’t burn out. You just set a steady pace with no emotions and get your mind, body, and spirit set for the long-term.

Buy crypto for your own reasons and not because someone told you so.

If you don’t stand for something then you’ll fall for anything.

Being rich is different from being wealthy. Being rich is having a lot of money, being wealthy is having the right mindset to be consistently rich. Even if you take the money of the wealthiest people in this world, they know how to build it back every single time.

Crypto should be fun and a learning experience for everyone, being rich and buying a Lambo should just be a bonus in this game.

There’s always something to learn in crypto investing whichever way the market turns. To our beloved defyers and long-term holders please follow safe investing strategies so you can stay in the crypto race for the long term.❤️


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Written by DefyDefi

We raise funds for NFT startups and tokenize their royalty shares

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