Is DefyDefi longterm?

4 min readApr 29, 2021


Original art by Khuriya artists

“Are we long term? Are we long term? Are we long term?”

Everyone is asking the same questions and I can’t blame them, most auto-yield, reflect tokens by design are pump and dump tokens.

To have full context of the project, here’s a bit of a background:

We started originally with the project, a launchpad of auto-yield tokens that will be branded as the safest launchpad of auto-yield projects.

We’ve envisioned of creating a full ecosystem of audit, support, social media roll out, data science and launchpad tools on every token that would come out of

But somewhere in the middle, when we were trying to incorporate the NFT component, we realized that the NFT market and its future potential is way bigger than the technology component that we are building.

So we did a pivot of focusing the auto-yield project into a fund raising model that would fund raise NFTs in the market.

then something happened…

Going all over different NFT marketplaces and checking out all NFT social media groups, we’ve realized that the NFT market is an underserved and unorganized ecosystem.

Yes there are NFT marketplaces left and right, but that is like saying busking is all it takes to get to the Grammys. There’s a reason why discovery platforms exist, like American Idol, Shark tank, The Voice and others.

So this is where DefyDefi comes in to the picture, we will be the Shark Tank and American Idol of NFT creators.

NFT creators can either be influencers, artists and art owners.

Now here is where the magic of defi, NFT and community building comes in.

  1. We will raise funds through auto-yield tokens

2. The funds we raise will be used to connect influencers, NFT artists and communities.

3. The NFTs we mint will come from our own DEFY NFT smart contracts, giving us full control of royalties and sharing.

4. The royalties we get will be shared back to the creators, team and community.

5. NFT creators hopefully gets better publicity through DEFY partnerships. Hopefully DEFY will boost their social media and merchandise demand.

The entire idea above requires more platforms, smart contracts, marketing partners, designers to build the entire machinery to make this happen.

Can we build it?
Hell yeah!!! We are a highly talented team behind Khuriya and Defy and we’ve built most of this already months ahead.

Our philosophy was, “you cannot build a strong brand in defi on empty promises”

How sure are you that you can build this? It’s very easy to make promises being anonymous in defi.

DefyDefi is the starting point of all our grand plans. The entire NFT and defi needs more people solving the gap in the market.

The father token, Khuriya, will launch more child tokens connecting the big gap in the NFT and decentralized finance world.

So are we long-term?

Let’s put it this way, we haven’t built a huge team and machinery as of this point to just throw it away for a short term pump and dump win.

We are dreaming of landing Khuriya in the top 100 tokens in the entire crypto.

If DefyDefi is a failure, then Khuriya will be a failure and we would not launch it.

We want this to be a longterm project so bad we launched DEFY through the community. Team have zero tokens, we bought tokens together with everyone.

We sold max of 0.25BNB to every wallet during presale and built the foundation of our liquidity through a lot of small holders and not through the whales.

Our philosophy was, build DEFY through the community and the little guys. We hate whales and we prevented their entry as much as we can in the very beginning.

Brand building builds wealth, scammers and empty promises will not go far into the future of decentralized finance.

In the future, Khuriya and its child tokens will be synonymous to transparency, security and longevity

and the only way to do this is to be highly imaginative blockchain use cases and put a lot of integrity in our work.

Auto-yield smart contract is just a bunch of codes inside a smart contract. We know we are a simple auto-yield token for now, but that is like saying you can’t build an atomic bomb using mathematics.

It’s up to you if you want to just pump your money a bit and sell after, but a lot made the mistake of not taking us seriously in the very beginning.

We are beating records for a reason, we’re #1 in all sub categories of new tokens in Coingecko.

You think we got lucky? Yeah, maybe!

If you are holding DEFY now and you want to sell positions that is fine, but please keep a few so you would not regret missing out on how DEFY and Khuriya will defy all odds in BSC.

A lot are sending me DMs crying about not taking us seriously when we were small, they knew us in the very beginning. You can even check our social media account and Telegram in Khuriya that we’ve been building months and months before.

Now there is no way to turn back the clock.

What does the future hold?
We cannot control market behavior, we cannot control general crypto market conditions.

We can only control our work ethics, integrity and our belief in the future of crypto, Khuriya and Defy.

So are we long-term?
You tell me.

for the mean time we will keep building things, we will keep DEFYing the odds.

Please do not invest without knowing the long-term vision of Defy and Khuriya.
If you want to know everything about us please ape on the following links:

Khuriya Chat

Defy Chat

Defy Unfiltered




Written by DefyDefi

We raise funds for NFT startups and tokenize their royalty shares

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